Search Engine Optimization

Since our founding in 2004, Agile has been a leader in search engine optimization or SEO. Today, we incorporate all SEO services into our client projects and offer SEO as a stand-alone service for our agency partners:

  • SEO Campaign Design
  • User Experience Structure and Navigation
  • Keyword Analysis and Scoring
  • Competitive Analysis
  • On-Page SEO including Meta Titles & Descriptions and Images
  • Technical SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Website Performance
  • Local SEO. 

We follow the changes that are made to Google, Bing and Yahoo! search engines. We pay attention to what matters most so that our clients can respond to those changes. Our SEO services are typically incorporated into our inbound marketing work, whether your platform is Salesforce and WordPress or HubSpot or InfusionSoft.

What We Have Seen as a General Trend

The major search engines continue to get smarter and smarter. Here are the major trends:

  • Artificial Intelligence -- search engine results are more relevant and specific to the user
  • Voice Commands via smart phones in the car and home devices like Amazon Echo, Google Home, Alexa and more
  • Ranking Factors

According to Search Engine Journal, every year it seems Google gives us a new ranking factor.

In 2014, HTTPS became a ranking signal. (note: the "S" on the end stands for Secure)

In 2015, mobile usability became a ranking signal.

Then, 2016 shifted content development as RankBrain came onto the scene. (note: we advised our clients to present content in a way that the search engines could relate it to other content available on websites - more links to external content and links into the website are ways to accomplish this.)

And, in 2017, there was a more significant push for more HTTPS websites. Additionally in January 2017, according to an article in Search Engine Journal, they were Content (1),  Backlinks (2), Mobile-First User Experience (3) and Other Technical Factors (4). 

Now, mobile page speed looks to be the next big ranking factor to focus on.

If you're an agency, reach out to us for a short call to discuss ways we can partner together for the benefit of your agency and your clients.